
Rebels drag soldiers' bodies through Mogadishu streets

Somali rebels dragged the bodies of two soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu today after a government assault on insurgent forces.In scenes reminiscent of what happed after a US helicopter was shot down over the city in 1993, witnesse…

Ugandan troops begin 'suicide mission' in Somalia

Less than 24 hours before Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni began deploying the vanguard of a peace mission to Somalia, his police force was busy firing tear gas to disperse demonstrators in central Kampala.The protesters accused him of pr…

Mortar Shells Greet Ugandan Peacekeepers in Somalia

By Salad Duhul Associated Press Wednesday, March 7, 2007; Page A14 MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 6 -- More than a dozen mortar shells slammed into Mogadishu's airport Tuesday shortly after the first major contingent of Ugandan peacekeepers lan…

Peace Force Is Attacked on Arrival in Somalia

By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN Published: March 7, 2007 KINDU, Congo, March 6 ― The first group of African Union peacekeepers arrived Tuesday in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, and received a patently Mogadishu reception.Insurgents shelled the airport…

Somalia's Second Chance: [Rush Transcript; Federal News Service]

To look at the situation today, first, on the military side, as you know, the Ethiopian troops are still backing the TFG in Somalia. About a third of the Ethiopian troops have already withdrawn. I understand that it will be done in two mor…

Somalia on brink awaiting peace troops

Somali government and Ethiopian forces are hoping to stamp out a nascent insurgency in Mogadishu before the arrival of African Union peacekeepers, amid concern that the opportunity to stabilise Somalia is rapidly narrowing.Uganda is due to…

U.S.-Ethiopian campaign routed Islamic militants in Somalia

It has been known for several weeks that U.S. Special Operations troops have operated inside Somalia and that the United States carried out two strikes on Qaeda suspects using AC-130 gunships. But the extent of U.S. cooperation with the re…

The New Somalia: A Grimly Familiar Rerun

But Mr. Dinari said help had been slow to arrive, partly because international organizations were spending millions of dollars on a staff based in Kenya, which is deemed a much safer place to work, instead of investing those resources in S…

Somalia Plan Adopted

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 20 ― The Security Council on Tuesday authorized the dispatch of an African Union peacekeeping force to Somalia to help stabilize the country so a United Nations operation can take over in six months.The British-drafted…

At least 12 killed as fighting returns to Mogadishu

At least 12 people were killed in Mogadishu last night in the worst fighting since Ethiopian troops ousted the Somali Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC) from the Somali capital in late December.Most of the victims were civilians caught in th…

News Analysis: Somalia moving closer to total collapse

NAIROBI: Fierce mortar attacks killed more than 10 civilians in Somalia on Tuesday, and that is virtually the new status quo.Nearly every day, government forces and insurgents shell each other across dilapidated neighborhoods in the capita…

It isn't nearly over

A FULL month after the routing of Islamist forces in Somalia, it is hard to say whether the country is slipping back into anarchy or limping forward towards reformed statehood: like a tennis stroke, it all depends on the follow-through. Th…