
Disregard what I said when I was in power

Chief among those was General George Lee Butler, former commander in chief of the Strategic Air Command, who said of nuclear weapons after he retired, "There is no security to be found in nuclear weapons. It's a fool's game."Similarly with…

War of words over bronze soldier

A Nazi state has been reborn within the European Union and its "blasphemous" leaders are bent on glorifying the Third Reich and insulting Russia. There is talk of sanctions and even of internal armed resistance.That, at least, is the view …

Britain blocks islanders ever going home

More than three decades after British islands in the Indian Ocean were depopulated to make way for an American base, the Government will ask the courts today to ban the inhabitants from ever returning home.The Chagos Islands, forming the B…

Uganda conflicts survive death of a mystic rebel

アリス・ラクウェナって生きてたのか。 History remembers Lakwena for leading an army of 10,000 followers perilously close to Kampala during a brief uprising 20 years ago by convincing them they were immune to bullets.Her death in exile in Ke…

New study: Iran seeks 'nuclear ambiguity,' likely to act 'logically'

リアリスト寄りの見方。The study, authored by Ephraim Kam and a team of researchers at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. According to the study, as Iran formulates its nuclear policy, it will have to decide…

A Palace For Sudan

By Sebastian Mallaby Monday, February 5, 2007; Page A15 China's diplomats are forever reassuring the world about their country's "peaceful rise," and Hu duly expressed support for an expanded peacekeeping force in Darfur. But everything el…

American Takes Over Command of NATO Force in Afghanistan

The Taliban warned Sunday that 2007 would be the bloodiest year for foreign troops in Afghanistan, in comments to Reuters that were apparently timed to the change of command. And in what may be the opening salvo of a new campaign of violen…

The Peace Paradox


Historical analogies have always been popular in foreign-policy debates, and the present day is no exception. For liberals, the best description of our current situation is “Vietnam II” (as Maureen Dowd dubbed it in a Times column): anothe…

U.S. General Takes Command Of NATO Force In Afghanistan

One U.S. military officer who labeled McNeill a "war fighter to the bone" said his arrival likely signals the end of such deals, which would now go under "much greater scrutiny." The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because of the s…

Seeing what we want to see in Qaddafi

Since 2003, Libyan diplomats have been hard at work convincing the West that Libya is no longer interested in amassing weapons of mass destruction, blowing up Western airplanes or covertly financing armed movements abroad. Presenting this …

Saudi Shiites brace for Sunni backlash

Last week, the Sunni governor of Al Hasa, a mixed Sunni-Shiite town in the Eastern Province, banned all blood drives organized by Shiites.Sunni clerics have stepped up their preaching against Shiites in recent weeks, declaring them again t…

Iraqis blame U.S. in suicide bombing

A growing number of Iraqis are blaming the United States for creating conditions that led to the worst single suicide bombing in the war, which devastated a Shiite market in Baghdad during the weekend. They argued that slowness in completi…

More, NATO, more

インダーファースとリーデル! NATO defense ministers need to make some tough decisions about Afghanistan when they meet in Seville this week. The violence in Afghanistan is four times more intense than it was a year ago. Suicide attacks hav…

AP IMPACT: From Iraqi mountains, Kurds train for battle with Iran

QANDIL MOUNTAIN RANGE, Iraq: Deep in the mountains of eastern Iraq, a cluster of mud huts and the chatter of machine gun fire reveal another piece of the jigsaw puzzle called Kurdistan.Here, recruits are training to fight Iran, one of the …

Joint US and Iraqi command centre set up

American and Iraqi military commanders have established a joint command centre in Baghdad to oversee a new security operation designed to tackle violence in the capital.A phased security plan drawn up by Iraq's prime minister Nouri al Mali…