
AIPAC's Complaint

The liberal media by Eric Alterman AIPAC's Complaint [from the May 1, 2006 issue] The University of Chicago's John Mearsheimer is among America's most admired political scientists. Stephen Walt is the academic dean and a chaired professor …

A Wall in their Heart

Yedioth Aharonoth (p. M16) by Meron Rappaport -- [May 23, 2003] http://www.gush-shalom.org/thewall/index.html The maps that Sharon's people asked for were the maps that Prof. Sofer, a geographer at Haifa University and the prophet of "the …

A Faithful Servant

by IAN WILLIAMS マデリーン・オルブライトの回想録"Madam Secretary"の書評。 [from the February 23, 2004 issue] A noticeable aspect of her memoirs is the convenient lacunae whenever she tries to cover her own rear and secondly Bill Clinton's-…

Painting over the Russian mosaic - Haaretz - Israel News

By Yitzhak Laor A real discussion should begin with the fact that some of the immigrants are Ashkenazi and some aren't; some found a place for themselves in the Israeli economy, while others are wretchedly poor; some have been assimilated …

Los Angeles Times: Make a drug deal with Afghanistan

By Johann Hari JOHANN HARI (johannhari.com) is a columnist for the Independent in London. November 6, 2006 This summer, Emmanuel Reinert, executive director of the Senlis Council, an independent, Brussels-based think tank, commissioned mor…